Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Diversity in Eduacation

In today's society there is a vast array of diversity in education. When most people look at diversity, the first thing they think of is usually race. However some of the other types of diversity within education is socioeconomic status, cultural capital, and of course multicultural education.
So first, socioeconomic status is basically how much money a person or family has. This comes into education for what type of school they go to or where in the city their school is located. Socioeconomic status also plays a role for post secondary, because someone who comes from a family who's parents went to post secondary, they are more likely to also go, as well due to costs of post secondary, if a person comes from a family with money, they are more likely to be able to afford to go.
Next is Cultural capital, which is the culture a student brings into the classroom. As an example, if a student is new to a school and comes in unable to speak the same language as everyone else, they are coming in with a low culture capital. And, so it is the opposite for someone coming into a new school who speaks the native language. They will be coming in with a higher cultural capital than the student who does not speak the native language.
As teachers, there are numerous things that we will need to do in regards to diversity in education. One being to , "reduce barriers"; this means to watch our own attitudes towards diversity in education, and we need to have high expectations for all students regardless of race, sex, gender, etc.
As well, we can follow "Kanu's 3 recommendations" which are;
1. the school curriculum should be anti-racist and anti-discriminatory
2. multi cultural education should be part of everyones education
3. Students should be trained to be more aware of culture. Including their own culture.

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